Pregnancy First trimester all you need to know
Pregnancy First Trimester everything you need to know
Today I am writing this blog for the newly wed girls or those who gets pregnant for the first time and don’t have much knowledge. Wondering how things would be, what they need to do and eat. First of all you would know about your pregnancy when you’ll miss your periods. Some girls might know about their pregnancy before missing their periods like they might feel nausea or different kind of feelings. Anyway the first reliable indicator is no periods.
1- No periods
2- You will feel pain or cramps like periods but no blood only sensation, feelings that you would have it any time. You might have to go to washroom more often just to check it happened or not cause you’ll have same pain.
Confirmation :
We can confirm our pregnancy by these two tests1- Blood test:
You will quickly get to know about your pregnancy by blood test.Pregnancy test check your blood for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) your body makes this hormone after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of your uterus.
This usually happens about 6 days after fertilization. Level of HCG rise quickly doubling every 2 to 3 days.
This is the quick confirmation test either yes or no.
2-Urine test:
Pregnancy test check your pee.This test might show negative or no result in the beginning it may takes 10 days to confirm your pregnancy it’s not a quick confirmation.
It can be checked by dipping the stick or stop in your urine or use a dropper to put urine into the strip
You’ll need to wait for few minutes before the results if there comes 2 lines yes you’re if 1 line then no pregnancy it can be done at home.
Urine and blood tests are 99% accurate. You should do these test in the morning when urine is more concentrated.
Things to be done after confirmation:
Now you get to know you’re pregnant don’t waste your time and go to doctor because nowadays girls have many problems and complications as our diet is not proper nowadays we lack certain nutrients and have deficiencies in our body which can lead to slow or no growth or even miscarriage.Medication:
Usually doctors prescription is folic acid and duphaston two tablets. Folic acid 400 mg ( it’s for new cell generation and growth of the embryo ) daily and duphaston ( it’s for sustaining pregnancy ) one in morning one in evening. Incase you are unable to go to doctor please take these two tablets don’t ignore it. Mostly doctors prescribe it for 1st three months. Sometimes you stop taking duphaston after consulting your doctor later on .Necessary tests:
Sometimes in pregnancy you diagnose thyroid problem, blood pressure and diabetes so you need to take these tests and if any medication needed you need to take tablet in order to sustain your pregnancy and growth of embryo.1st trimester :
First 3 months of your pregnancy is 1st trimester. In these months you need to take rest. Don’t lift heavy weights.1st trimester medication:
Take folic acid and duphaston tablets daily. Incase you forget taking it for a day don’t worry.Symptoms:
Pain in lower abdomin
Pain in hips
Mood swings
Feel like crying
Morning sickness
Feeling unloved
Nobody care about me
Food cravings
Food aversion
Sleeping more or sometimes insomnia
Pressure on bladder
Take a good care of your diet drink a lot of milk, juices and liquids.Do not skip any meal.
Take one apple and banana daily.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Do not eat spicy and salty food
Try to eat simple food
Do not eat fast food
Do not eat too much sweet or spicy food
Drink a lot of liquids
Try to have water melon and pomegranate as much as you can
Drink milk if you don’t like the taste of it or stinky then you can add flavors like cocoa powder. You can add this in your milk
Things to do:
Try to take rest or lie down with eyes closed when possibleAfter vomits you’ll feel weakness and burning sensation in your throat, nose and chest just drink a lot of water to change the taste of your mouth wash your face gargle with water and lie in bed for few minutes. Don’t worry take it normal don’t panic just consider it part of a healthy pregnancy and don’t get it on your nerves
Positive thoughts:
Do not let nausea or vomits make you eat or drink less. It’s ok to eat and vomit.No matter how much you vomit just try to eat so that you don’t get weakness or drained energy
If you’ll eat simple home made less spicy food you’ll vomit less
You might have diarrhea or constipation in your pregnancy for that you’ll take gaviscon syrup or duphalac syrup but optional because you can get better even without these syrups.
Don’t worry about the pain in your lower abdomin, hips and vagina or bladder pressure these all pains are normal and are due to expansion / muscle stretching you’ll soon get habitual of these pains.
Do not skip your dinner always eat before sleeping.
Keep your mind fresh and happy by thinking about your baby. Pray for his/her good nature.
Vaginal itching:
Do not worry if you have itching in vagina it’s due to changes your body is going throughPrecautions for vaginal itching:
Do not use soap
Detergents scented
Chemical free products you prefer using
Keep the area clean and dry
Mix baking soda with water and wash the area
Use mustard oil
If you’ve burning sensation while urination or colored discharge consult doctor it indicates infection.
Your skin becoming more sensitive so try to use less chemicals and note which product you changed
Sometimes after getting intimate you don’t wash properly and don’t dry it.
Be careful with cleanliness and drying it
Skin sensitivity:
Your skin becomes more sensitive and itchy. Sometimes redness on skin keep it moisturizer do oiling massage it with olive oil, mustard oil or coconut oil any Vaseline or nivea lotion keep it moisturized. Use scent free and chemical free soaps and products.
You may have vaginal blood drops or spotting if it’s one time or twice it’s ok but if it continuous could be a symptom of infection. When there is heavy more than a drop spotting consult your doctor. Bleeding could lead to miscarriage. Moreover any kind of colored discharge and burning sensation would be a sign of infection immediately consult a doctor.
Loose motion:
If you’re suffering from loose motion in pregnancy than you should take Imodium tablet. You can take flagyl as well but Imodium is better. Keep taking ORS and lemon water. It can lower your blood pressure causing pain in your lower head or around neck, body pain and weakness. If this condition prolonged you can loose weight so treat it immediately.Stay hydrated.
Acidity and stomach pain:
In pregnancy you will come across stomach pain and acidity if you can control or tolerate its good. If your stomach pain is intolerable then you can take a gaviscon syrup or a tablet omeprazole ( Zantac or Risek )To do:
Get up early in the morning and eat well you must be hungry when you’ll be awakeAs soon as you eat your body will get the energy so it doesn’t matter much if you vomit out later.
Have good thoughts and positive attitude. Always remember you’re more sensitive and emotional these days so think before you speak. Don’t let it come to your mind that nobody loves you. Nobody actually cares about you. If people think you’re over reacting or doing drama don’t panic about these things just have a relax and positive mind. Think good eat good more liquids and take rest whenever you can. Do not forget your medicines prescribed by doctors either it’s of blood pressure, thyroid, diabetes, folic acid or duphaston more over you can skip (gaviscon and duphalac half syrups if minor or no constipation. Don’t panic about nausea, vomits, body pains, weakness and nobody cares... Dont over think that I said no I will not eat this other person didn’t offer me the alternate didn’t bring another food they should again ask me to eat something else I need care and love. These thoughts are normal and just let it go try to smile more and remember your God and good things even comedy shows or funny things you can watch or listen to make your mood better.
After first trimester you would be able to know your baby’s gender. It means after three months you can start shopping for baby hehe... Blue or Pink
I hope you’ll find my blog useful and informative. Do lemme know how much it helps you.
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