Easy Chicken Steak Recipe

Today I’m writing this blog to tell everyone the chicken steak recipe that’s very easy and yummy. We love simple and easy yet tasty chicken steak recipes. We like to make chicken dishes as we prefer eating non-veg. Nowadays juicy steaks are popular. So let’s start with chicken fried steak with gravy or sauce.

Level : Easy
Total :  1 hour
Prep time : 10 minutes
Cook: 25 mins

Ingredients :

2 Tea spoon salt
2 Tea spoon black pepper
2 lemons
3/4 Rea spoon paprika ( optional )
3 pounds cube steak extra tender
1/2. ( half ) cup vegetable oil
1 tables spoon butter

Gravy/ Sauce :

Black pepper
Garlic paste


1-For steak set up a large bowl or dish put tender chicken breast in a bowl and marinate it with salt, black pepper and squeeze lemon juice in it. Salt and black pepper should be according to your taste and lemon juice as well if you like spicy you can add more if you like normal add less it totally depend upon your taste.

2- Sprinkle salt, black pepper and lemon juice on both sides generously.

3-  keep it in fridge after marination for few hours the more it will remain in fridge the more the spices and lemon juice will penetrate in it the more juicy and tasty it will get so try to leave it overnight or for more hours.

4- Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the butter. Drop in a few sprinkles to make sure it heated up. When it is hot sufficiently the butter will sizzle and you would know it’s ready now and cool the chicken breast on low flame.

5- Fry the chicken peace one side then change the side and let it get light brown or you can say golden brown. It would hardly take 20 minutes to fry completely.

6-  For gravy or sauce take a small bowl of mayonnaise and a mix a little bit yogurt in it. You can add quarter tea spoon garlic paste if you like add salt and black pepper according to your taste and the gravy or sauce is ready

7- serve the steak with this dip and hope you’ll enjoy this easy and yummy chicken steak recipe.

In short:   Take a chicken breast tender it add salt, black pepper and lemon juice then leave it for few hours after marination fry it.


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