Self grooming and personal hygiene

Face:  First of all Centre of attention is our face when you meet someone it should be clean you can use light coverage bb cream or tinted moisturizer or tinted sun screen. Little bit mascara if you like it ( optional) as it is not good for lashes you can skip this part. Just shape your eyebrows with brow pencil. Apply lip and cheek tint and you are ready to catch eyes. Most important thing that comes in face is your mouth and you shouldn’t smell bad to avoid bad breadth brush your teeth twice morning and at night try to use listerine or fennel seeds or green tea gargle or you can chew gum.your lips shouldn’t be cracked or dry use Vaseline, coconut oil or any lip balm.

Skin: Try to keep your skin clean and dry. Use organic products as much as possible stop using chemicals keep it natural only apply homemade mask, face wash, cleanser, makeup removers and organic scrub

Hairstyle: Hairstyle can entirely change your personality keep changing it in order to know what suits you the best. Cut the rough edges do not wash it with harsh chemicals daily keep applying homemade mask and do regular oiling. If you want to wash your hair daily use baby shampoo with less chemicals or just use a conditioner skip shampoo it can be used alternate day.

Nails: keep it clean avoid dirt under your nails try not to keep it too long I prefer square shape well it depends on your hand shape or your own preference which shape you like square, round, oval or what keep it clean and shaped. 

Feet: No cracked heels. Wash it with warm water salt shampoo and oil. Wash it with the help of brush  

Clothes: The dress you wear should be washed properly and it should smell good. wear what suit you be versatile keep trying new things just wear moderate decent dresses which suit your personality like your height, weight and looks. Dress accordingly

Shoes: Wear clean shoes 

Body odour: Take bath daily if not possible apply body butters, moisturizer, perfumed powder enchanteur enticing with red roses I prefer it smells great. 

Jewellery: It looks good if you wear small ear rings or chain or any ring to enhance


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