How to deal with a jealous person

In our lives we often come across a jealous person. Sometimes it becomes difficult to deal with them.They could be your friends, coworkers, cousins and relatives.Positive competition is healthy but when someone tries to pull your leg every time I believe when someone is unhappy and seems pessimistic is more likely to be jealous of you. It’s a natural human emotion if in a small doses it doesn’t matter.

Alarming sign: There is a huge difference between experiencing occasional or minor feelings of jealousy and being a constant jealous person.its hard to know who is just having a moment of weakness and who is actually jealous of us to the point that it creates problem.

Cause of jealousy

one needs to figure out whether they’re jealous of your professional or personal life or both. What triggers their jealousy
Signs of jealousy:
You would know it because they would love it when things go wrong for you.
They downplay your achievements by attributing it to the external stimuli rather than your internal skills or personal merit.
They make sure to let you know about their good news and qualities and broadcast anything positive happened to them and they’ll exaggerate the small trivial things turned them into big deals.
They would discourage you to try new things
They gossip about you.
They make your image down in-front of other people.
They exaggerate and manipulate things to to humiliate you in-front of others and to make themselves look better.
They’re competitive. They’re on a mission to prove it that whatever you do they can do it better. Try hard to prove they’re better than you.
They’ll probably be the first person to point out any possible flaws regarding you
They would copy you imitation means they’re impressed

Aim of a jealous person

Jealous person want what you’ve got by imitating you they expect to get it for themselves.


when someone is jealous of you there comes awkwardness and guilt whenever you’re around them. You try your best to hide good things about your life so that they don’t become more even more jealous of you. You mostly try to avoid them.
Now coming towards our main topic of discussion how to deal with a jealous person

Deal with a jealous person:

Give them genuine compliments and praise them.
Pray for them.
Don’t boast be humble about the things you have
Don’t hush about your good fortune
Whenever they provoke you into competing with them step back do not participate rise above it they’ll soon stop trying
Remain calm and quiet
Try to give them presents and gifts like a smile, compliment any help or favor or material things


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